Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Sister's Islands

The Legend of the Sisters Islands
Legend tells of a poor widow who had two pretty daughters, Minah and Linah who were very close to each other. After the widow died, the sisters left the village to live with a distant uncle.

One unfortunate day, Lina met a group of pirates while fetching water from a well near the sea. Frightened, she ran home with the pirate chief giving chase. At the uncle's home, brandishing a dagger, he made known his wish to marry Lina. That night, the two sisters wept bitterly in each other's arms. When dawn broke, the pirate chief and 16 of his men came to take Lina away. Clinging to each other, they were forced apart by the pirates, and Lina was carried away. The desperate Minah swam after the boat but was drowned and Lina dived into the stormy waters in grief.

The next day, the villagers were shocked to see two islands at the spot where the two sisters had drowned.

The two tranquil islands, called Subar laut and Subar darat, was henceforth known as Sisters Island.

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